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Marine & Engineering India



Velco GmbH, Germany

Refractories Gunning Machine for Converter & Coke Oven Batteries.
Carbon/ Lime / Filter Dust Injection System for EAF. 

Titanium Injection System for Blast Furnace.

GVA Krefeld Gmbh, Germany

Slag Pots.
Specialized and Custom Designed Spare Parts for the Steel Making Shop.

M.A.T. Malmedie Antriebstechnik GmbH, Germany

Drum/Barrel Coupling for Cranes and Excavators.
Gear Couplings.
Safety Couplings.

Josua CORTS Sohn, Germany

Wear Plate Liners for Rolling Mill Housing and Chocks.
Spring Seals and Sliding Rails for Pallet Cars in Sinter Plant.
Slip Rings for Sponge Iron Plants.

Tecno Vibrazioni Venanzetti Srl, Italy

  Vibrating Screens and Feeders for Raw Material Handling (Stock House) at Sinter Plants, Coke Oven and Blast Furnace.

Ameridrives International, USA  

Universal Joint Assembly.
Gear Spindles.


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